This was painted back in June of 2006. I was just beginning to get back into painting after a long absence. It's kind of like riding a bike after falling off. You just kind of pick up where you left off.
This is my venture into surrealism. I spent a few years in the low country of South Carolina, living essential next a swamp deep in the woods. Living very close to nature had a profound affect on me. I learned allot about myself and my relationship to the world and my place in it. This painting was done in February of this year. This is one in a series. I'll publish more later.
This is a painting done from a photo taken at my grand daughters 9th birthday party in a Long Beach, California park. We had great fun that day and I thoroughly enjoyed depicting it in this painting.
I started experimenting with water based oil paints with this painting. The solvents used with traditional oils were starting to bother me. I'm using a small space in my garage as a studio, the ventilation is not the greatest even though I use two fans. These paints have less drag on the brush and if thinned too much they act like acrylic paint. I'm going to keep with this for a while and see how it goes. So far so good.
I had a ball with this. I've always been fascinated with the color and texture of marbles. No one pl ayes with them like we used to way back when. Sold
I truly enjoyed working with these colors. I'm also beginning to get more command of the brushes and medium. I'm feeling what I felt when I first began making art. Time is suspended and I'm energized.
This along with all the recent uploads were done at the end of April till now. I've published them all at once as I wanted a good number of paintings to start with.
This is the first painting I've done in quit some time. It has been a few years since I picked up a brush. My plan is to paint daily small studies while working on larger pieces.
Hi, my name is Ademunyiwa Alabi Akinloye,(Ah-Day-Moon-Yee-Wah, Ah-Lah-Bee, Ah-Keen-Low-Yeh), people call me Alabi.I have a BA in Art; drawing and painting, from Cal State Long Beach, and a Masters of Fine Art in figurative painting from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I found out about daily painting while researching art resources on the web. I think it's a good way to practice your art and experiment with new ideas. I plan to keep at this and make it routine. I hope you enjoy what comes forth. I know I will enjoy bringing it.